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Welcome to PXC NEWS - WORK PARTY NOTICE - 6-7 NOV 2021

Low tech, but very effective!
2021-22 WORK PARTY #1 – 6-7 Nov 2021 – PERISHER XC CENTRE TRAILS
We didn’t think it would happen but Work Party #1 is on! And there is some good solid work to do.
The most urgent work this weekend will be to retrieve the pallets that bridged the water courses on the Sprint Loop. Then the plastic half-pipes that covered narrow water flows across the trails and bridge covers will be collected and stored on the snow fences for the summer. And those broken poles...... The more workers the better for these jobs, come for one day or two.
Another important task is the annual Trail Audit so the 2022 summer work can be efficiently planned. This year, if we get the main trails completed early we will be able to get onto the outer touring trails.
For those who are not familiar with the trails in the summer, it will be an education in the way that low-tech strategies are used to extend the snow cover on the trails when the water that is constantly flowing under the snow threatens to break up the trail surface.
Meet at the Nordic Shelter at 9:00am for a 9:30 start. Gum boots will be a good footwear choice but be prepared for any weather. Bring work gloves and lunch/snacks/drinks. March flies have been spotted, so be prepared.
If you plan to attend, please contact Peter Ward (nswxc1@gmail.com) so we can plan the work for the weekend.
Accommodation for the weekend is available courtesy of Canberra Alpine Club (FOC for workers, thank you CAC). Contact Peter Cunningham (peter.petercunningham@gmail.com). Bring bed linen, towels and food/drink. Note, there will be some COVID-19 considerations.
If this sounds like a weekend of hard yakka, it is, sort of. But be assured that there is lots of chatting, horsing around and socialising after work on Saturday at CAC for all workers.
Please pencil in the rest of the 2022 summer Perisher XC Work Parties (dates to be confirmed prior to each Work Party):
5-6 Feb 22 5-6 Mar 22 2-3 April 22 7-8 May 22 4-5 Jun 22
Finally, if you are in a donating frame of mind, these are worthy causes:
NORDIC SHELTER - Tax Deductible donations to help with the running expenses and maintenance - https://asf.org.au/projects/snow-australia---northern/nordic-shelter-development/
AUSTRALIAN XC SKI TEAM – 2021-2022 European Tour, tax-deductible contributions to help our skiers fund the Team Van - https://asf.org.au/projects/snow-australia/ausxc-european-tour-team-van/
Read more about AUST XC TEAM and their overseas plans in the recent PXC NEWS - https://www.perisherxcountry.org/news/xc-2021-winter-season-wash/
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