2020 Cross Country Trails – Summer Work Parties and Other Matters

So, a summer of lurching from the Apocalypse to Armageddon!

After a horrible summer of bushfires, the work party in early March, attended by a large number of XC enthusiasts, was productive and cheerful. Work on the trails, landscaping and essential maintenance in the Nordic Shelter was carried out with many more projects planned. We even learned the value of sterilising our boots to prevent infecting our beautiful Park with imported diseases – the irony of it all!

 Nick and John - No germs on these boots!!

See the photos below to prove that one really good work party did happen in the 2020 summer.

That beautiful March weekend after the fires turned out to be the eye of the storm and we are all now in the clutches of a very different beast.  There will be no further scheduled work parties this summer.

The NSW Government and NPWS have decreed that from 19/3/20 volunteer activity in National Parks would cease until further notice. On the 26/3/20, all campgrounds and other facilities were closed, although the parks remain open, for the time being. Even with the parks open, escalating restrictions have meant that programs like our young rollerskiers in Sydney have had to trade their regular group training for on-line training.  This link to the NPWS website provides current information - https://www.nationalparks.nsw.gov.au/npws-covid-19.

It is far too early to predict what the coming winter will bring, although a message just received from NPWS gives us a hint:

Event Cancellations and Postponements in NSW National Parks Due To COVID-19:

As of 30 March 2020, all organised events in NSW National Parks need to be cancelled or postponed until further notice. This is in place due to restrictions regarding COVID-19 in line with the NSW Public Health Order.

Currently these restrictions will be in place until June 30, 2020.

The restrictions on holding events in NSW National Parks may be extended beyond June 30, depending on how the situation unfolds.


Snow Australia, NPWS, the Resorts, Interschools and the NSW Government will all be issuing more information as they have it.  PXC will publish and forward important information that relates directly to our sport.


Best wishes from all of the volunteers at Perisher X-Country. We hope that you all find interesting ways to stay fit and fill the different and uncertain times ahead.

Peter Ward,  NSWACT XC Committee

P.S. Please make note of the new Australian Sports Foundation link for tax-deductible donations for the maintenance and development of the Nordic Shelter - https://asf.org.au/projects/snow-australia---northern/nordic-shelter-development/


March XC Work Party - It was all happening:  Nick replacing old rockwork, Margaret preparing a tier for graveling, Rowan waterproofing and resurfacing a sieve-like wall, PW overseeing and Karen preparing for new landscaping.


John and Arnold - Rubbish found on the XC trails – including shopping bags, lots of plastic...... and a body board??

  Alan - A beautiful day to paint.


Karen and Sonja - Clearing the way for a gravel path behind the Shelter.


Rowan: What builders do on their days off - waterproofing and resurfacing a leaking wall.

Les: What handy-people do on their days off - insulation and lining in the attic to ember-proof eaves and climate-proof the manager's living areas.


Nick: what stonemasons do on their days off - repair crumbling stonework on corners of the original building.

  Better than new! Thanks, Nick.